Endogenous Production Networks and Non-Linear Monetary Transmission

  • Authors: Mishel Ghassibe.
  • BSE Working Paper: 1449 | May 24
  • Keywords: monetary transmission; state dependence; endogenous production networks
  • JEL codes: C67, E23, E52
  • monetary transmission; state dependence; endogenous production networks
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I develop a tractable dynamic sticky-price model, where input-output linkages are formed endogenously. The model delivers cyclical properties of networks that are consistent with those I estimate using sectoral and firm-level data, conditional on identified real and nom- inal shocks. A novel source of state dependence in nominal rigidities arises: the strength of complementarities in price setting and monetary non-neutrality increase in the number of suppliers optimally chosen by firms. As a result, the model simultaneously rationalizes the following observed non-linearities in monetary transmission. First, there is cycle dependence: the magnitude of real GDP’s response to a monetary shock is procyclical. Second, there is path dependence: non-neutrality of real GDP is higher following previous periods of loose monetary policy. Third, there is size dependence: larger monetary contractions shrink the net- work and generate a less than proportional decrease in GDP relative to smaller contractions.

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